Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC
Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC is an Arizona and New York-based debt collector with its principal office at:
Cavalry Portfolio Services, LLC 4050 E. Cotton Ctr. Blvd. Building 2, Suite 20 Phoenix, AZ 85040. Consumers have complained that Cavalry Portfolio attempts to collect on debts outside of the applicable statute of limitations or that were already paid, repeatedly and improperly contacts third parties regarding consumers' alleged debt, and contacts consumers' telephones in possible violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, among other things. If you have had to deal with these or other issues with Cavalry Portfolio, you may be entitled to money. Fill out the form at right, and an attorney will investigate your possible claims for FREE! *The naming of a company is not meant to state or imply that the company acted improperly or illegally; rather, such naming indicates only that an investigation is currently being conducted into what legal rights, if any, have been violated. |
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